ABOUT : 關於


2013年春夏之際,tamtamART正式與鏡花園IPIX 跨界合作,於台北市中心成立tamtamART TAIPEI .IPIX 藝術空間,此空間欲匯集各領域、跨學科之藝術家及其創作,提供一個實驗性的當代藝術空間 ; 致力于提供各類型、各媒材藝術家實驗性的展演。更不定期舉辦座談、表演、研討會。 同時也與BERLIN tamtamART 柏林台灣藝術協會搭起跨國橋梁,提供柏林及台灣藝術家甚至兩城市民眾豐富的交流平台。


BERLIN tamtamART, founded in the early 2009, is an association dedicated to international cultural exchange and the advancement of Taiwanese Contemporary Art in Berlin. After 4 years’ contribution, tamtamART had invited variety of Taiwanese artists and artworks to Berlin. In order to increase the visibility of Taiwanese Contemporary Art, our team cooperates with different famous art spaces, and also participates in many major thematic festivals in Berlin. Through the ways of co-organization and cooperation, tamtamART has built up an international conversation bridge and a deeper connection with local organizations.

During spring and summer of 2013, tamtamART starts cooperating with IPIX Imagination INC. and inaugurates tamtamART TAIPEI .IPIX in the center of Taipei. Offering an experimental contemporary art platform, this art space congregates various artists and creations of different domains and disciplines. At the same time, tamtamART TAIPEI .IPIX and Berlin tamtamART connect together and build up an international bridge to offer artists and publics both in Berlin and Taipei a prominent exchange platform.

tamtamART TAIPEI Group

何尉民 Wei-Ming HO
黃香凝 Hsiang-Ning HUANG
蔡家榛 Jia-Zhen TSAI