Loop # 04

2014.02.08 - 2014.03.01   12:00 - 24:00

洪韵婷 Yun-Ting HUNG。黎正恬 Jennis Cheng-Tien LI。鄒逸真 I-chen TSOU
吳建瑩 Chien-Ying WU。葉育君 Yu-Jun YE

2011, Video 7’ 32”
洪韵婷+鄒逸真 Yun-Ting HUNG + I-Chen TSOU (TW)

減肥瘦身操是一個表演計畫:HUNGER在字義上,除了飢餓,還有擁有某種事物的渴望。此時,不論男女,對於身體的"完美塑型",都有了更嚴苛,更多元化的標準,甚至達到 "渴望飢餓 - hunger for hunger" 的病態念頭。因此在這一系列的表演行為裡,企圖透過一場類似減肥瘦身操的詼諧動作,嘲諷這個怪異現象。透過這些既熟悉又荒誕的塑身行為,如此充斥著詭異又病態的氛圍,試想提問,hunger已經變成了什麼?

Lose Weight Exercise is a performance project. The description of hunger in both physiology and psychology can be understood singularly as a “strong desire.” Nowadays both men and women have a new standard for the perfect physical shape, which is more stringent than it has ever been. At some point, people may even become mired down in a morbid cycle of yearning - or “hungering”- after hunger. They intend to mock this bizarre social phenomenon through her performance series Lose Weight Exercise. Through this familiar yet ridiculous behavior, presented in such a strange and morbid atmosphere, the artist attempts to question what hunger has become.

2010, Video Documentation 1' 22"
黎正恬 Jennis Cheng-Tien LI (SG)


The project is a consequence of my research on the founding of the "Schrebergarten" and Mr Schreber who devised apparatuses reminiscent of contemporary gym equipment and experimented on his children to support his theory on children's excessive energy and its need to be released. The final artwork is a synthesis of intellectual research and personal emotion. It boils down to the form of a sculpture. The mere functionalities of the original equipment have been translated into absurdity.

2012, Video Documentation 10’ 13”
吳建瑩 Chien-Ying WU (TW)

開始於一個觀念,過程是工作坊,最後完成於一齣舞蹈表演。Dancing in Badminton 跨越與自在的形式,是將孩子們帶進藝術實踐領域的工具。亦即,作者無意深研造形語彙,而僅是抓住該藝術形式最簡單的構成元素,並將藝術的入門門檻拉低至日常實踐的範圍。然而,這並非回應由上而下的技術普及化,卻是由低探高的藝術參與,用意在不同領域裡引進新的能量

Starting from a concept, this artwork, of which the process is conducted by workshops, is finished by a dance show at the end. The liberal and transdisciplinary form of Dancing in Badminton is a tool to bring children into the domain of practice of arts. That is, the artist has no intention to study the language of plastic arts, but to grab the simplest component of art form and to lower the entry barrier of art to the domain of practice of everyday life. However, it doesn’t respond to the dominant tendency in the primacy of art skills and techniques, but to the public initiative in participation of art, with intention to bring in new energies from different domains.

2013, Video 2' 29"
葉育君 Yu-Jun YE (TW)


In 2013, MOCA Taipei invited artist Yu-Jun Ye to participate in the program“Artist in School Residence Program”, and together with Jan Cheng Junior High School’s teachers to collaborate in coming up with creative courses based on performance art concepts, which were taught to the 287 8th grade students of the school. Yu-Jun Ye incorporated into the curriculum her recent experiences with performance art in public spaces and also other creative experiences she acquired from art residence programs. The series of creative activities have garnered a collection of diverse and interesting works.


洪韵婷 Yun-Ting HUNG

洪韵婷生於臺灣台南,2006年自台灣藝術大學藝術造型藝術研究所畢業,2009年受邀於德國德勒斯登Ostrale國際當代藝術展覽中展出; 2010年以大師班傑出藝術家文憑畢業於德國國立德勒斯登高等藝術學院,至今,作品曾展於紐約佛蒙特、巴黎、柏林等地。

Yun-Ting Hung was born in Tainan. In 2006, she accomplished her degree Master of Art, postgraduate studies at National Taiwan University of Arts. In 2008, she attended the Kunsthochschule für Bildenden Künste in Dresden for Meisterstudium. Hung has exhibited widely internationally. Her important shows include the Halle am Wasser, Berlin(2011) ; National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Taiwan, (2010); International exhibition for contemporary art Ostrale 09 Dresden Germany (2009). At the same time she received her Public award, Ostrale 09 and Freeman Foundation Asian Artist’s Fellowship.


黎正恬 Jennis Cheng-Tien LI

Born in Taiwan, Jennis Li Cheng Tien studied Interactive Media Design In Singapore and work in advertising agencies for several years. In 2008 she relocated to Germany where received her MFA in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies in 2010 at the Bauhaus University of Weimar, Germany. Li has since exhibited internationally with her work in Germany, USA, Spain, France, Italy and Taiwan among others.



吳建瑩 Chien-Ying WU

Born 1983 in Taichung, Taiwan. Currently lives and works in Paris

鄒逸真 I-Chen TSOU


Born in Taipei, Taiwan. In 2008 she obtained a bachelor's degree of fine arts, also of motion cinema from National Taiwan University of Arts. In 2010 she obtained another bachelor’s degree of fine arts from ÉSAD ( L'École Supérieure d’Art et Design Grenoble-Valence, France). Later in 2012, she obtained a master’s degree with premium grades from ÉSAD. Ichen’s works focus on body art, conceptual act art, video art. One of her video works won third prize in the Festival of video art in Paris, France, 2010, she is the only Asian of all award winners. In the same year, her short film was selected by 3th Festival Formosa film, Lyon, France, and later in 2012 the film was invited to play in Documentary Month, France.


葉育君 Yu-Jun YE

2001年起,留學於法國,取得國家高等造型藝術文憑,及索邦大學藝術與數位媒體雙碩士。作品的形式以行為藝術、錄像裝置、聲音表演為主。關注於身體的私人、公共空間的關係。回台後,專注於在公共空間的行為表演,以及以藝術版圖擴張為計畫目標,希望在藝術的疆界中,藉由觀念、行式的突破。重要的作品:「行動中的城市」「寶藏皇宮青年旅社」、「一個游擊性的表演One Night Band」、「游擊快炒果汁吧」。目前為「instant 42」負責人。

She had studied in France since 2001, and obtained a Master’s degree of DNDEP from Ecole Nationale Supérieur d'Arts de Paris-Cergy and a Master’s degree of Art et Media Numérique from Paris1–Sorbonne. The forms of her works are mainly of performance arts, video installations, and sound performances, focusing on private and public spaces of bodies and public relations. After returning to Taiwan in 2009, he has placed his focus on performance art in public spaces and the goal of “expanding the domain of art”, in hopes of bringing new possibilities to contemporary art through breaking the limitations on concepts and forms in the territory of art. His important works in the recent years include “City Action Series” (2009), “Treasure Palace Youth Hostel ” (2010), and “One Night Band” (2011-2012), Guerrilla juice bar(2013).Now,She is Responsible and createur of art space “instant 42” in Luzhou.
